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Boston Marathon Bombing



Resources for Patients/Families

  • Ongoing Assistance
    • Mass Resiliency Center and the One Fund Center at Mass. General Hospital and Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary - MGH Community News, December 2014
      • MA Resiliency Center at Boston Medical Center offers free support to anyone who was impacted by the bombings. This includes the families of those killed, individuals who were physically injured and their family members, individuals in the area of the bombing or events that followed  in Cambridge and Watertown, who may have suffered trauma from witnessing or experience the events, professional and  non-professional first responders, and  others who by virtue of their unique history may have been  triggered or traumatized by these events.
      • The One Fund Center at Mass. General Hospital and Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary serves those with physical injuries from the attacks and their families

  • Previously Announced
    • Additional Specialized Victim’s Compensation Funds & Home Modification Funds
      On July 1, the state Legislature passed their FY14 Budget package which updates the state Victim Compensation statute (M.G.L. c. 258C) to provide for additional resources to better assist victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. The Legislature also passed a FY13 supplemental budget that allocates $200,000 to assist victims of the Boston Marathon bombings who have lost limbs or the use of their limbs and require significant home modifications or relocation to a more accessible home because of their injuries.  MOVA will provide an update when these benefits become available and how to access them. 

      For further information these programs and all other support services available to victims of the bombings, please see the MOVA website, or contact MOVA at 617-586-1340 or contact the Collaborative Hotline at (855) 617-3863 (more information below).

    • Collaborative Hotline
      In an effort to continue addressing the ongoing needs of those impacted by the Boston Marathon attack, the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA), the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), One Fund Boston and Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Victim Services Division have joined forces and launch a Collaborative on Monday, August 5 to offer the services of trained specialists to help victims and their families in identifying and accessing programs available to meet their unique needs.

      Beginning August 5, the Collaborative hotline - (855) 617-3863 - will be staffed by individuals trained specifically to assist those impacted by the attack on the Boston Marathon and the days that followed. This phone number along with plans to co-locate specialists in one office will limit the need for victims to call many different places seeking assistance. The Collaborative will help meet individual needs by connecting them with requested services such as medical, mental and behavioral health, housing, employment, financial planning and insurance programs. Any victim, including families of deceased victims, with questions about resources and services available to them can call and be connected with a trained professional.
    • This new Collaborative will last at least six months as a formal assessment of the long term needs of victims is conducted and a permanent service delivery mechanism is established.

    • One Fund Offers Ongoing Support

    • One Fund Boston intends to continue supporting those most affected by the attacks through events, support groups, and other ways identified as helpful for their future success over the longer term. One Fund Boston will work to establish this longer term operating model through communication with the survivors and families in a manner that will provide for a productive transition from a victim relief fund to a service and support network.

      -For more information, see the full press release.

  • Victim Assistance
  • Mental Health
    A list of free mental health services can be found at or (617) 586-1340 or
    • Key Resources
      • Recovering Emotionally and Talking with Children -American Red Cross page
        • Taking Care of Your Emotional Health Guide and Helping Children Cope with Disaster are available in multiple languages at the above link. (Added 4/30)
      • Resources to support families and children who have experienced trauma (DPH list) (Added 4/30)
      • - online mental health assessment and information on how to contact the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline. (Service of Screening for Mental Health, Inc., Mass 211 and the Substance Abuse and SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline) (Added 5/1). Additional information.
      • Disaster Distress Helpline: (800) 985-5990 or text: talkwithus to 66746,
      • American Red Cross 1-800-564-1234 or Available resources include emotional support, disaster recovery, and guides to taking care of your emotional health (in various languages).
      • Federal Bureau of Investigation- Office for Victim Assistance Website: Email:
      • Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Central office contact: 617-626-8000 or Department of Mental Health Resource Directory and application materials for mental health services can be found online at
      • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)The Federal Distress Helpline 800-985-5990 can provide immediate counseling 24/7; also available by SMS (text: TalkWithUs to 66746). You will be connected to the nearest crisis center’s trained and caring professionals for crisis counseling, referrals and other support services. Additional resources are available at

    • Additional Resources
      • Drop in free counseling at 35 North Hampton Sq. Boston, Hotline: (617) 343-1373 or 9am-5pm (617) 534-5050. Free parking across from Boston Medical Center.
      • Child Witness to violence program at Boston Medical Center: (617) 414-5574.
      • Homicide Bereavement Support Project: (617) 667-8141.
      • Community Crisis Response Team: (617) 774-2318
      • The Trauma Center: Justice Resource Institute: (617) 450-0500
      • Northeast Behavioral Health: (978)927-4506,
      • Homicide Bereavement Program (Bristol &Plymouth): (508) 997-0475,
      • St. Anne’s Hospital Youth Trauma Program (Bristol): (508) 674-5066 ext. 283,
      • Family Bereavement (Middlesex, Norfolk, Worcester): (508) 879-9800,
      • The Victim Advocacy Support Team: (617) 591-6361,
      • Affected military/guard/reserve of post 9/11 era can seek services of the Home Base Program by calling 617-724-5202.
      • AETNA - Behavioral Health Student and Employee Assistance Program 1-888-AETNA-EAP (1-888-238-6232)AETNA has opened its student and employee assistance program lines for any person who may be having difficulty coping with the traumatic event.
      • OPTUM Health Services Helpline1-866-342-6892, open 24/7 for as long as needed, free of charge. Emotional support, resources and information is also available at
      • New Beginnings Counseling Service - available to take referrals.
      • The Good Dog Foundation: Therapy dog program, POC: Mo Coffey

  • Support Groups
    • To make contact with first responders that assisted: Boston PD (617)343-4500.
    • Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute: Group will meet to discuss how to talk about the bombing with your children on Thursday May 2 nd 4:00pm-5:30, POC: Janice Stumbbblefield-Tave (617) 232-1303 ext. 218
    • Boston Medical Center: (617)-534-5050
    • Boston Athletic Association: Is discussing doing support groups for the runners, no contact info yet.
    • Information Group: Trauma Responses in the Wake of the Boston Marathon Events
      This is an open information session for adults to learn more about trauma responses to the Marathon bombings, in oneself, family members, children or friends. Those who are in need of assistance may receive up to 4 free sessions. See Flyer.
    • EMDRIA HAP (Boston Trauma Response Network) was formed last fall as a way to offer EMDR RTEP help those affected by Hurricane Sandy on Staten Island.  Now we want to offer our services to local people affected by the recent traumas related to the Boston Marathon Bombing.    This group is offering up to three free EMDR sessions in their own offices.  There are trained clinicians throughout the State of Massachusetts including the Cape, Amherst area and Pittsfield.  This offer is open to any professional and or client who is traumatized by these recent events.  If you or someone you know needs assistance please call Dave Dockstader at 508-922-6117 or
  • Social Security: filing for replacement card and possible disability benefits etc.: Robert Medina (617)565-2881
  • Legal
    • To obtain information regarding the criminal case against the defendant. United States Attorney’s Office automated information line: 888-221-6023, email or for questions (617)748-3100.
    • Massachusetts Bar Association will offer individuals impacted the bombing of the Boston Marathon free legal advice through its Dial-A-Lawyer program. Victims can access free legal assistance on Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m .by calling (617) 338-0610 or (877) 686-0711.
  • Transportation
    • For transit cards/The Ride: MASSDOT Catherine O. Lynds (617) 222-3106
    • For new DL or handicap placard: MASSDOT Michele M. Ellicks (857) 368-9457
    • For EZPASS: MASSDOT Steve Jaques, (617) 293-7703

  • More Information & How Tos
    • New! FAQs (from Mass Office of Victims Assistance [MOVA]. Includes more detailed explanations and resources for out-of-state residents than above.
    • Resource List (MOVA- including mental health resources and Victim's Comp)
  • Additional Resources
    • For families concerned about their children's hearing following a blast (DPH): (added 4/30)
    • West End House Camp (for boys), Parsonsfield, ME: For family members of the victims, The West End House Camp would like to offer free camp tuition this summer. This could be sons, brothers, even nephews, cousins, as the immediate and whole extended family gets affected. For people who may be interested or who may have questions, please contact Steve Lepler, Director West End House Camp 781-784-5703 or Also, please visit which gives an excellent picture of the camp's unique history, stemming from the West End of Boston, and all it has to offer in its 105th year.

Clinical Resources and Self-care